Pouring of warm medicated herbal decoction called Dhayamla all over the body from head to neck is called Dhanyamladhara. At first the suitable body oil and head oil are applied and a gentle massage is done on the body. In some cases of extreme inflammation, even body massage and application of oil on the body and head may be avoided. Then the warm liquid will be poured all over the body with gentle strokes on the body. The liquid is again collected and warmed for further use. This is continued for 45 minutes and then the patient can take rest for a few minutes. If the condition is suitable a warm water bath can be given, otherwise body will be wiped with a clean towel.
Mode of action
Because of the acidic nature of the liquid it helps for the absorption of the inflammation. The herbs present in the liquid are also having anti inflammatory action, so it relieves the pain and inflammation.
Gout and other inflammatory arthritis
Rheumatic fever
Acute stages of hemiplegia
Inflammatory stages of other arthritis